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SoulQuest, Lesson Six: The Ultimate Moment

Rabbi Shraga Sherman
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SoulQuest: The Journey, Through Life, Death, and Beyond
The confrontation with the harsh reality of mortality, whether through aging, a health crisis, or an encounter with death, makes us wonder whether our life has any meaning.

It is during these existential crises that our tradition reaches out to us with solace and comfort, asserting emphatically that while our bodies may die, our soul is eternal, and this world is but one step in its journey.

For death is not an end. Nor is it a mere passageway to the next stage of existence. Our knowledge of death can become a means of inspiring life, and ensuring that our moments here are lived to the fullest.

This course is not a philosophical one, but an experiential one. It does not attempt to prove the existence of a soul, nor of the afterlife, nor of heaven and hell and reincarnation. Instead, it shares the intuitive truths that have inspired generations of Jews to live more fully and to face death fearlessly. It explains how those who left this world are not lost to us, nor us to them. It allows us the opportunity to resolve what death has left unresolved, and thereby to find peace and closure.

We invite you to discover the odyssey of your soul. Find out where it came from, where it is going, and what it is doing right now. Explore the limits of mortality, and how we can better appreciate the true life of those who are living. as well as those who have passed on.

Know yourself, discover your purpose, and acquire the tools to navigate life's challenges.

Lesson Six: The Ultimate Moment
By understanding the different stages of the soul's journey, we can live our own lives more fully. Each day is, in fact, a microcosm of the soul's journey, and the current moment is pivotal in launching us towards a fuller future. If you had one day left to live, how would you spend it? And why aren't you living as if today were your last day? We end our course with a morning meditation to inspire you to make the most of each day.


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Scholars: Rabbi Shraga Sherman
Video title: SoulQuest, Lesson Six: The Ultimate Moment
Category: Kabbalah, Philosophy, The Soul
Series: SoulQuest
Views: 2013
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