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The Feminine Advantage

Rabbi Shloma Majeski
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Throughout the Torah women are mentioned as being spiritually stronger than men,

A few of the areas mentioned by Rabbi Shloma Majesky are: When giving the Torah, Hashem spoke first to the women and then the men; Concerning the Golden Calf, and the Spies the men failed the tests and the women remained strong in their faith; in Egypt the women gave strength to their husbands.

Rabbi Majesky speaks about the purpose of divisions, giving an example of the power of fire and water together only being realized with a pot dividing them. The general mission is unity but men and women have different roles.

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Scholars: Rabbi Shloma Majeski
Provider: Machon Chana
Video title: The Feminine Advantage
Category: Eye Opening, In Depth, Lecture, Women
Views: 2785
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