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What Israel Can Teach the World

Rabbi Yossi Ives
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In this talk at the Aspen Center for Social Values, Rabbi Yossi Ives analyzes the role of Jews and their responsibility to foreign countries who are struggling economically and politically and might have limited access to adequate health care.  Do we solve our own problems first before going to their aid?  What if a struggling country is at odds with the state of Israel? Is there an inherent command in God’s statement to our Patriarch, Avraham “and all nations will be blessed by you?” Does the story of Jonah who was commanded by God to reach out to the Assyrian nation to bring order and peace to their countryhave implications to us today?  What do contemporary Jewish scholars say about this issue?

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Scholars: Rabbi Yossi Ives
Provider: Aspen Center for Social Values
Video title: What Israel Can Teach the World
Category: Lecture, Politics, Relevant
Views: 1447
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