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The Elusive Author of the Haggada

Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein
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The  Pilgrims' journey on the Mayflower and landing on Plymouth Rock is a big event in American History, and yet most Americans don't know details of the story: what date did the ship leave England, who was the leader of the Pilgrims, what food they ate on their journey etc. Compare this to the Jews' journey from Egypt, however, and you will see that although it took place thousands of years ago, most Jews know when the Exodus took place, what food was eaten on the journey, and who the leader was! There is so much that we do know about the Exodus from Egypt and yet, there is much that is unknown. One big question has to do with the Haggadah, the book that guides our Passover seder. Who wrote the Haggadah and when was it written? What is the central message of the Haggadah that pertains to us today? Join Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein on this journey through Jewish history, from the era of the Second Temple and beyond, to uncover the mysteries behind the writing of the Haggadah.

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Scholars: Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein
Video title: The Elusive Author of the Haggada
Category: Passover, Passover, Study
Views: 16715
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