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Lesson Nine: The Avodat Hakodesh

Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
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Thousands of books of Kabbalah have been written over the centuries, but a few stand out as the most prominent and widespread.

In this section of his “Intro to Kabbalah” series, Rabbi Paltiel begins with describing the Avodat Hakodesh as a comprehensive outline of the goals, framework and methodology of Kabbalah. This work of Rabbi Meir Ezekiel ibn Gabbai introduces the concept of the G-dly light that allows for a relationship between man and G-d. In his writings, he vehemently opposes the validity of Jewish philosophers, such as Maimonides, viewing Jewish Philosophy as an adaptation of a secular form of logic, which has no basis in authentic Judaism.

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Scholars: Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
Video title: Lesson Nine: The Avodat Hakodesh
Category: Informative, Kabbalah, Lesson
Series: Intro To Kabbalah
Views: 1564
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