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Our Children, Our Guarantee

Mrs. Sarah Mendelsohn
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Mrs. Sarah Mendelsohn, principal of Bais Yaakov Ohel Sarah, of Brooklyn, New York, discusses how to successfully transmit love and pride for Judaism to our children.
Using the model of a corporation, with its business plan and vision for its future, she frames the responsibility and privilege that is Jewish parenting.
Pearls of wisdom:
"We must remember that this child's soul also stood at Mount Sinai, that he or she is part of the Jewish nation!"
"Talk to you kids with love and kindness, with hugs and kisses!  Sing Jewish songs, serve Jewish foods."
"Take upon yourself to [parent] right, with enthusiasm, with love for G-d and His Torah!"

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Scholars: Mrs. Sarah Mendelsohn
Video title: Our Children, Our Guarantee
Category: Parenting, Shavuot
Views: 2130
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