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13. Actualize the Potential within Existence

Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik
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In this series, Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik explores the topic of education - both self-education and the education of our children - in light of the 12 essential Torah verses that the Lubavitcher Rebbe chose as fundamental in the instruction of a child.

This segment's verse:
11. V'zeh Kol Ho-Odom V'sachlis Bree-Oso U'vree-As Kol Ho-Olomos Elyonim V'sach-Tonim, Lee-He-Yos Lo Deero Zo Ba-Tach-Tonim.
"The purpose of the creation of every Jew and of all the worlds is to make a dwelling place for G-d in this world." (Tanya, Chapter 33)

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Scholars: Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik
Provider: Omek
Video title: 13. Actualize the Potential within Existence
Category: Inspiration, Parenting
Series: Re-parenting Your Inner Child
Views: 3468
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