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Taharas Hamishpacha Review - Session 5

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Part I: Be Prepared! The laws of chafifa/chatzita
Part II: Taking the Plunge! Mikvah immersion 
Presented by Mrs. Sara Morosow
In this video, part 5 of the Taharas HaMishpacha Review series, Mrs. Sara Morosow discusses the chafifah and tevilah.  In her methodical yet entertaining style, Mrs. Morosow details exactly what needs to be done, from head to toe, to prepare one's body for the mikveh experience.  We learn that real preparations begin about three days in advance of mikveh day -- and should include the removal of "emotional chatziztos" that might interfere with our ability to do this mitzvah with love and joy.  We find out that every woman should have her own mikveh kit (and what goes in it), the importance of a good eye make-up remover, the challenges of nail polish (especially light or clear colors) and waxed versus unwaxed dental floss.  While some of these particulars may seem overly nitty-gritty, as we tend to each body part we can think about the mitzvos done with it, and remind ourselves that we are caring for a holy vessel.  Mrs. Morosow shares that OCD is sometimes expressed through inappropriate rigor in the chafifah process, and that and one's local rav are resources to turn to for help.
Both the standard and Chabad tevilah positions are explained, as well as a number of Chabad customs related to mikveh (including the reason for having short hair).   When a woman emerges from the mikveh and the balanit (mikveh-attendant) says, "Kosher!" the malachim (angels) on high echo her words, "Kosher!"  From this immersion, "fine children" are born.  Mrs. Morosow explains the custom of looking at or touching a holy person as we leave the mikveh itself, and what to do if you find a chatzitzah.  She shares the advice of Ramban (Nachmanides), that if a woman did a thorough chafifah, examined herself, and immersed according to halachah, she shouldn't start to second-guess herself.  Instead, after washing negel vasser she should eat some sticky candy, get her hands a little dirty, and tell her husband she has 'toveled'.  She is reborn from the 'amniotic fluid' of the womb of the mikveh, ready to begin life anew.

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Video title: Taharas Hamishpacha Review - Session 5
Category: Marriage
Series: Six Week Taharas Hamishpacha Review Series
Views: 1095
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